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Happy New Year - Site Launch

I'll call today the official launch of my artistic website. I've been fortunate to be included into a number of exhibitions over the last few years and it has now become very apparent that most artists have a web presence of some sort. I have pieced together sites in the past using simple HTML and Dreamweaver software, but somehow they never seemed "good enough" and were never published.

While this site is far from perfect, I feel it is a good start. I sampled a number of the "template style" hosts and chose this one, Wix as it seemes to suit my needs the best.

I have been diligently digging out older work and photographing it for this site. It is far easier to digitally photograph a work, rather than scan old slides. I unfortunately haven't been able to get the quality I expect in the scans that I have attempted. Perhaps I'll send a few samples out to "Pros". I did read an article online about shooting slides with a quality macro lens on a digital camera and convert them that way. I think I will experiment with that for now and publish updates.

On Tuesday I visited my artist friend Lucille Reinen in Port Townsend. She has been having some health issues and I wanted to catch up with her. I did snap a photo of a piece that she owns. (Tokul 1988)


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