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Accountable (Xa xalh Xechnging)2020 - Acrylic on Wood - 2 ½” x 21” x 26” | Essence (Gandaas'aají)2020 - Acrylic on Wood with Plastic - 1 ½” x 7” x 8” | Stimulus (Saliʔ=qʼiyáƛ'əd)2020 - Acrylic on Wood -2” x 9” x 14” |
Shwáh-kuk2020 - Acrylic on Wood -1” x 5” x 7” | Stáw Tlagáa2020 - Acrylic on Wood - 1" x 5" x 6" | Synchronize (Láx’)2020 - Acrylic on Wood -1 ½” x 8” x 17” |
Reverent (S'áaw)2019 - Acrylic on Wood -2” x 10” x 13 ½” | Devotion (Táax')2020 - Acrylic on Wood - 1 1/2” x 8” x 11” | Reasonable (Chaan Táayaay)2020 - Acrylic on Wood - 1 1/2" x 10" x 12 1/2" |
Superficial (Sdáng Sk’ats’gálgaań2020 - Acrylic on Wood -2” x 11” x 17 | Periodic (ts'at'aan)2020 - Acrylic on Wood - 2” x 14” x 16" | Perpetual (Qʼʷəláčiʔ)2020 - Acrylic on Wood -1 1/2" x 7" x 8" |
Piqued2019 - Acrylic on Wood -2 1/2” x 10” x 10" |
Obligatory Dialect Series
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